Tuesday, February 4, 2014

LFR Let Down and Awesomeness

Tonight I was on one of my alts playing away in lfr doing terrace of endless springs trying to get a new weapon upgrade instead of sporting my heroic weapons. 1st attempt: got the 3rd boss down and then BLAH! Disconnected and can not log back in. Ok fine, it happens. So I reque......2nd attempt:fresh start, going good, then 3rd boss down again....disconnected again! WTF? By this time you can imagine the cursive words coming out at that time. Ok, calmed down and requed. 3rd attempt: 3rd boss down....and Success! No dc. Got to the sha, pew pew and down he goes. Got a new one hander, used my bonus roll and I git another one. Awesome! Two one handers off same boss. Couldn't be more thrilled, what a rollercoaster of moods, at least I was happy in the end.