Tuesday, November 29, 2011

4.3 Patch

Today is the release of patch 4.3 and changes have been made to quite a few things. Instead of writing it out, you can watch Tankspots 4.3 survival patch by Lore.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Talent Calculator

On the World of Warcraft site, you can check out the new talent calculator for the up coming expansion. As it says, the talents they have posted may change, so if you have any feedback for them, use the forum. Although you can't see the new class monk's spec yet, you can still play around with the other classes.Talent Calculator

Sunday, November 27, 2011


My hubby's computer finally came a day ago and it has been running non stop. It's nice it came earlier than expected since I was losing my mind not being able to play when I wanted and play when I could. Now that it has come, we can get back to raiding with our true raid leader and get some organization back in the invites and times. Since its here, time to get back to cracking it again.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Is it here yet?

Last week I ordered a new computer for my hubby and it hasn't arrived yet. It originally said it wouldn't be here till Dec 2 but it was shipped a couple days ago so I hoping it comes soon. This past week sharing my computer with my hubby has been a pain. The worst feeling is wanting to play the wow crack but he just won't get off. I'm trying to restrain myself and let him play when he gets home, but I'm losing it. I need my crack! Our guilds main raid team is suffering at the hands of the self appointed team raid member. What use to take us 2hrs to do 6/7 in fl has now taken us give or take 3 hours to complete. Everybody is going down hill and I have my hubby to blame, so please computer show up already.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Chuck Norris

OMG I don't know about other realms, but having a Chuck Norris conversation in trade chat was and is a common thing on mine. In my opinion this isn't as good as "I'm a mage" but comes close. It's hilarious!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

So our first raid without our main raid leader went how I expected it would go, our self appointed team member invited more people than necessary and ended up with a bunch of pugs. Instead of getting our regular 6/7 in one night, we got 4/7 and that was just barely. Normally I help and get the group together, but I just had to see what he would come up with. Terrible of me to sit back and watch the horror but he asks for it. He doesn't consider if an invite on calendar is for a 10man raid and you invited 15people, that in the end if all 15 people accept, who would you pick and choose to come? Usually I take our regular 10 players, invite them, if 1 or more haven't accepted by the last day or two before the raid day, then I find replacements. As I said before consistent players are our strongest point for progression. Tonight we go to finish up FL, pray for me.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Down for Good

Yesterday was a very sad day. Our main teams raid leader's(my hubby's) computer has broken down for good. For the next couple weeks we have to push on without him leading us and I am not looking forward to it. Mainly for the reason that one of our raiders talks way too much and therefor he now assumes that he is 100% in control now that leader is gone for a bit instead of being a team effort to continue. You might ask, why can't I just give him mine so he can be there? The answer is no, if mine died, he wouldn't share his....cruel but when games are involved, it's either his or mine.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ability vs Gear

I was in queue and got into zul grub random. They were on the second boss so I didn't think anything of it at the time, but sometimes its a bad sign. We started the fight and it was going OK but it was going very very very slowly. Rezzing ghosts ran out, people started to die(boss move, not me), and then we wiped. Boss didn't go into enrage phase, well WTF? As I checked the damage done meter, only one player was pulling their weight doing 10k while the three were doing 5k each. No wonder what happen. Just because you are able to queue for these dungeons with a ilvl of 346 doesn't mean you should be doing them. If you have the gear and your dps is low, figure out how to play your character! Even if you don't research it, play with the dummies in the main cities and see how you can raise your dps. It takes the fun out of playing when others expect to be carried by others. The worst thing about my situation was the three that were doing 5k each were from the same guild...

Monday, November 7, 2011


With time changes now here, guilds and consistent raiding guilds have to alter their times to suit most of their players. What happens when it works for most raiders but a few cannot make that change? Do you say tough luck and replace them or fight over a time that could possibly work with all? I think the raid leader should make every effort to make it work with all and at the same time not to get to frustrated with the battle of time. If the leader makes a suggestion about raid time that works for them, then it has to work or there won't be any leader. In our guild, my hubby is guild master and our main raid leader, basically there isn't much issue with whatever he decides, but always have that one player who can't make it. We found that consistent players are our strong point in progression and would hate to lose that over time. Good luck to those who struggle with the change.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Limited Time

I'm not by all means a "hardcore" player, but I do enjoying playing when I can with people who feel same way about the game. My guild does what it can to progress with our limited time together and challenge the more dedicated guilds on our realm. With 4-9hours a week to progress can be difficult but no one complains and it is always fun with them. But when 1-2 can't make it and no guildies to fill the spots, pugging is last resort. Generally on our realm, pugs most likely are inexperienced players who haven't even walked through the doors of any raids. It can be tough to find someone capable of pulling their weight and still be successful. I'm sad that we havent got rag down yet....soon though. Any tip are welcome.