Monday, October 31, 2011

Hallows End

Today is the last day to do Hallows end and get all the tricks and treats that it has to offer. I have to wait another year before I can complete achievements under the Hallow Ends list, but that's ok, I'll be around for another year.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


The new expansion to wow, Mists of Pandaria. I'm sure many people will agree that this reminds them of Kung Fu Panda, if not then you need to watch some movies. The new class this expansion brings is "monk". They will be capable of defense, damage and even healing. One thing I am looking forward to is the pet battles. It's Pokemon all over again and yes I was once into everything of Pokemon. Pets will be able to gain experience and level up. Like every good trainer, you'll need to catch them all, even the rare ones.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a Bear...

When the game WoW first came into our house, I didn't like it. I only started playing to do something with my hubby since he was already addicted to it. So we did almost everything together in the game. He introduced me to raiding(that was in BC) and I was pretty decent and held my own. Now lately his real job has been tiring and he hasn't been on as much. Without my tank, the game is losing its appeal. Don't get me wrong, good game but just not the same. Last night he was suppose to be our raids leader and main tank, but he fell asleep so I still logged on and got it going. The raid was quiet and barely any one talked....still the show must go on. Tonight we continue on with rag and I hope that he is on, our substitute tank(which is normally dps for us)from last night just won't cut it there. Only reason I continue on without my fuzzy bear tank is the friendly great players the raid is made from.Thanks guys for making the game still fun to play.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Server Restarts

One thing that bothers me about Tuesdays and any others days that blizz decides is server restarts. They give us 15 mins to finish whatever we are doing. I was half way through with a group in a random when the warning came. With only 15 mins to complete it, this group didn't have a chance. Blizz should extend the warning to 30 mins that way people anywhere have enough time to finish what they are doing no matter where they are. Its hard enough to get a group capable of doing the randoms without much issues, please don't mess it up with limited time before poof gone.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Pvp and pve gear.....which to use in dungeons/raids and battlegrounds? I pray that people know the difference to that question, but I still see players using pvp gear in dungeons. For the players that use pvp gear while not in battlegrounds, here's a tip.....that gear sucks in dungeons!! You could have all 318-346 green/blues and still do twice as much damage than you would in pvp gear. There is only one exception, but I still don't recommend it, it is bear tanks. Bears tend to use agility over any other stat and lucky for them pvp gear has lots. Today I had a dps warrior in group, while the rest were pulling their weight and more, this warrior in pvp gear pulled 4-6k dps average. If he was in actual pve gear he could have double his output but he choose to suck! Same thing goes for healers... resilience is a useless stat in dungeons, get rid of it and watch your numbers climb.

Friday, October 21, 2011


BlizzCon is here and if you can't make the live event then stream it online. Here's a link to Stream BlizzCon

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Just bcuz

I am actually in a decent mood today, so here is a video that always makes me laugh.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

To Smack and other guildies

I decided to try a few zan heroics on my priest. Again I was disappointed that other players blame their fails on me. Just because I'm the healer and you die isn't my fault. If you notice your taking damage, look around see if your standing in fire or something else, its not that hard. Hey "Smack" and your guildies need to learn to be more observant and quit blaming others. If it is at all slightly my fault in this case then fine, but the moment you die, maybe ask yourself "what could I have done to make it easier for the rest of the group?" There is always room for improvement, so as lore said before "You suck, get better!" For the moment you get no heals.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


My guild unfortunately didn't get rag we could do was the last transition before last phase. When we first attempted rag this week, we had our trouble with seed adds and then 1/3rd of floor fire, but we got through that and moved on. As for this coming week, Hallows End is here and candy and some fun dailies. Last few days I have been playing my priest doing some ZA and ZG randoms. I can't seem to get a group that actually knows the fights. When a lightening storm comes, do u stand in the pretty light show or run to the center of the lightening? I would hope you picked the center. When that person dies from the lightening who else do they blame? The healer of course, like WTF! Please people, don't blame others for your failness.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Good Night

Last night my guild went into FL and did very well for the time we were in there. We went in to do at least 4/7 in 2hrs, but the team powered through 6/7 in that time so everyone was pretty pumped about how smooth it went. Tonight we should get more than enough time to down Rag and have the rest of the week to relax and take time to do other older raids to fill the lockout. He's going down!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Most people consider WoW just a game, but what about the people who spend too much time playing? Do they consider in their mind that this is their life or do they know they difference? Even the company has inserted a "Tip" on the loading screen saying "Take everything in moderation even WoW" In my view, it is a game but when there are very few things to occupy free time it's fun to chat and play with people around the world. Some many get carried away even believe that they are the characters they have created.

Friday, October 7, 2011


When I started playing WoW every where I went all I would see was players roflmao-ing all over the place. Wondering what was the big deal, I was told to check out the video of it and here it is. As stupid as it is, it was catchy and I couldn't get it out of my head.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Due to my late night runs, I slept in way past the time I should have woke up at, but the game must go on.

With nothing planned today, it is time to go farm for some mats.

After I got my couple cups of coffee in me it was time to start. First of all, the guild bank is running low on fish for our feasts so fishing I went. The worst fish to get imo has to be the lavascale catfish. Luckily while fishing for that you could possibly catch other useful mats.

Farming for mats is utterly boring. A quick random heroic should perk me back up.

I have to say some players need to be a little more aware of what the hell is going on around them. Is it so hard to click a cauldron and freeze a guy? I guess so when I the healer have to run over and do it for them.

After such a disappointing run, another group was being formed for BH. I haven't done it yet this week so I joined. No loot for me in the end.

Next on the farming agenda was herbs. With only a 20 stack of each flask in the guild bank, I forced myself to continuing farming.

The day isn't over yet so who knows what else will happen....

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 1

So tonight I found myself logging onto my shammy tonight. Our guild likes to raid and dungeon for the most part. I always seem to placed in this position of making sure raid members stay alive for the entire fight. Yes I'm a healer.

Just like every other night, the raid team gets formed and summoned in. Tonights mission is to down 2 firelands bosses as a guild.

Our first boss is the bird and we have a few new players in to learn the fight. Everything starts off ok until the dreaded tornado phase. My frame rates decrease and everything is slowed. This is the time I panic and run around like a chicken with its head cut off but that doesn't kill kills one of the new healers.

As the fight continues with 2 heals it became aware that it is very much possible to heal it without the 3rd.

Last phase comes and it becomes too much and we wipe.

Run back in, get buffed up and try again. This time the 3rd heals lives past the first tornado but dies to the worms fire breath...../sigh. Still we pushed on.

Last phase comes and success we down him.

A very nice staff falls. We have a priest and druid healer. Both roll for it. As the way it always seems to work is...the 3rd dead heals won the roll. Of course....

Continuing on to the 6th boss the transformer, I started to fear 2 healing the next one.

By my surprise everything goes well, we downed him and called it a night.

Well...most people called it a night. Its the last day of the brewfest and we still need some guild runs in, so why not grab 3 guildies and cap us out.

As for the rest of the night, I can't reveal those details :)