Friday, June 22, 2012

One versus the Other One

How come in one realm, someone could be so great but in another realm not so hot? Is it because where they are great, they are surrounded by people they have raided with them for so long that it doesn't matter how good you are? In my opinion I play a pretty decent healer, but I just can't take it when someone says I can' takes almost everything I got to not let them "accidently" die.There are only so many classes that can heal, so I play a 2nd toon of a druid heals in two different realms. Both are even in specs, vary slightly in gear, but apparently can't heal in the other realm.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


The other night was raid night doing a few heroic ds10 attempts. Nothing is worse in my opinion when I make a comment about what happened on my part healing and someone that is very vocal taking it the wrong way and making it sound like it was my fault that we didn't get it. All I was doing was making a comment about how spread out we were and couldn't reach everyone then his response was...maybe move up and then you can reach all and problem solved. No! That does not solve the problem. I could move all I want and still be out of range of at least one. I am a shammy! If I was a druid, it would make it a bit earlier with the hots, all I have for a hot is riptide and then grace to heal while moving(with a cd of couple mins). A simple solution I mentioned was taking the 3rd dps and putting them with one of the other 2 dps I was watching and moving over to next when theirs were down. What a douche when he can't take a simple suggestion.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Another One Bites The Dust

Last night our guild got another heroic boss kill for our progression. If blizzard didn't have the nerfs added to the game, I'm not sure if we would have got it down.  Some days I wish I wasn't a healer so I wouldn't heal my ass off when we get to heroic bosses.  Dps have it easy, pew pew pew pew loot. It's probably not that easy, but a healers job is never easy when it comes to heroic attempts.  Any ways...Woot another heroic boss down!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Shh Now Mr. Know It All

When a group of people come together to go raiding with week after week, year after year, you know how each other plays and what your capable of.  What bothers me when someone in the raid group thinks he knows everything and i mean everything. When he starts to speak, he sounds as if everyone else in the group sucks and can't do a simple task such as pressing 1 little button when they are suppose to. Unlike him, I have faith that everyone can do that without an issue.  Sometimes I wish and pray that his kids would press his mute button on his vent more often. Sorry but you need to shush and keep your comments to your self if your going to have negative views on the capable people that you have been raiding with.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Give Notice

A new day, a new healer we must find. Just like near the end of wrath days, the healer leaves and might not come back at all. With only a few hours notice of him leaving, I was left wondering wth!!? To anyone who plays the game and decides or at least thinking about leaving the game for good and you tend to raid in a consistent group....please give them a week to find someone new. Heroic attempts were slightly harder with our regular healer gone and pugging in  a new person to just fill the spot. 
It can be very frustrating sometimes when someone else just isn't into the game as much as yourself. Damn those people with real lives! 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easy Peasy

Last night our regular raid team gets set up and goes into DS10 like normally. Things go well, bosses dying and before we knew it, all of them were dead. Well what the heck...Tuesday night with nothing left to do for the week on our mains. We would have done heroic modes, but our full team wasn't with us and we didn't want to do it without all there. Tonight we started to do FL10 and it was going fine, but we didn't get it all finished in time before people had to leave. I suppose tomorrow is the alt run for DS and can make it feel like a challenge again.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Old Guildies

Today I saw an application submitted by an ex guildie that I haven't seen in forever. I was shocked and amazed that one of our old friends remembers who the hell we are. Some people may not remember all the guilds that they have been in and I didn't think we were that memorable, but i suppose I could be wrong. Our guild does have some different personalities floating around. Maybe it's just that we are just that awesome. Lol or not... Anyways it's always nice to have familiar faces coming back around. See you soon to get rid of that horrible gear you have on.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Here I am

I've been trying to stay away from the crack lately, but found myself now with another raid team. So instead of focusing only on one of my characters, I have to show up and have 2 prepared. Its not bad if the days were spread out, but this other team raids right before my main team. Back to back. By the time I finish the first raid, I am tired and need a break. I usually have about 5mins to switch characters and take a breath. Whoooossaaa

Friday, January 6, 2012

Break Over

Holidays are over for most people and time to get back playing the game. I myself only played the nights that we had a raid scheduled and did nothing extra for the last couple weeks and I have to say it was very nice to take a step back and not worry about my valor points. Our guild recently started to put a little more effort into our progression in the nights we do raid and I am very pleased that we have pushed up a bit. Oh how I wish I could have got a new computer for xmas, but I didn't so stuck with this piece of steaming poo for a while longer. Raid finder can be difficult with the huge lag and framrates. I'm a pretty decent player with what I have, but if I had a better system....than I would be awesome lol.