Thursday, May 24, 2012


The other night was raid night doing a few heroic ds10 attempts. Nothing is worse in my opinion when I make a comment about what happened on my part healing and someone that is very vocal taking it the wrong way and making it sound like it was my fault that we didn't get it. All I was doing was making a comment about how spread out we were and couldn't reach everyone then his response was...maybe move up and then you can reach all and problem solved. No! That does not solve the problem. I could move all I want and still be out of range of at least one. I am a shammy! If I was a druid, it would make it a bit earlier with the hots, all I have for a hot is riptide and then grace to heal while moving(with a cd of couple mins). A simple solution I mentioned was taking the 3rd dps and putting them with one of the other 2 dps I was watching and moving over to next when theirs were down. What a douche when he can't take a simple suggestion.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Another One Bites The Dust

Last night our guild got another heroic boss kill for our progression. If blizzard didn't have the nerfs added to the game, I'm not sure if we would have got it down.  Some days I wish I wasn't a healer so I wouldn't heal my ass off when we get to heroic bosses.  Dps have it easy, pew pew pew pew loot. It's probably not that easy, but a healers job is never easy when it comes to heroic attempts.  Any ways...Woot another heroic boss down!